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A Guide for GUI.for.SingBox

Welcome to GUI.for.SingBox, this manual aims to introduce the basic usage of the application, making it easier for users. No maintainence of a sophisticated configuration file is required. This project generates a complete configuration file for sing-box cores to run through a convenient GUI configuration. At the same time, it nearly supports all features that sing-box offers as a client


  • Settings - Language: Choose the display language. Currently it supports English and Chinese. This wiki is based on the English version

  • Kernel Cache: Created in the data/sing-box folder, for storing persistent Fake-IP data and remote ruleset data

  • Exit APP On Window Close: Exit the app when the close button is clicked. This does not minimize the application to the notification area

  • Close Kernel When APP Exits: Terminate the sing-box.exe process when the application is closed

  • Auto Start Kernel: Automatically start the core process when the application is started

  • Run Ad Admin: Recommended for Windows users who are not in the Administrators group. Otherwise, TUN mode may not be able to be started, or when tun.stack is set to system or mixed, the core is unable to modify the Windows Firewall settings

  • Startup on Boot: The application starts with the OS

  • Kernel page is for downloading and updating the sing-box core

  • About page is for checking the applications version and updating it

Subscriptions Settings (Required)

Only the outbounds segment in the core's configuration file is required by Subscriptions. For example:

        "type": "vless",
        "tag": "Proxy1",
        "server": "",
        "server_port": 443,
        "uuid": "..."
        "type": "shadowsocks",
        "tag": "Proxy2",

The example is based on Manual for the Subscription Type, the user may use GUI for managing the proxies


Fill in Save Path with the json's path. A relative path is recommended. After entering the name and saving the file, click on Update to ensure that the subscription card shows the correct number of the proxies


Profile Settings (Required)

Create a profile, with a desired name. Right-click on the profile card to launch respective settings, or use the guide to configure it step by step

General Settigns (Including Advanced Settings - Required)

  • Mode: There are three modes to select from, Global, Rule and Direct. Rule is recommended

  • Allow Lan: If Yacd or XD WebUI is to be used, or network sharing is expected, turn this option on

  • Interface Name: Choose one of the network interfaces as outbound, Auto is recommended

  • Mixed Port: When this option is configured, a Mixed port will be created for listening on the local inbound traffic

  • HTTP(S) Port: If Mixed Port is configured, this field can be left in blank

  • SOCKS5 Port: If Mixed Port is configured, this field can be left in blank

  • External Controller: This is for RESTful WEB API, corresponding to clash_api in the core's configuration file. It is for Yacd or XD WebUI panels, the format is server:port

  • RESTful API Secret: The secret for accessing RESTful WEB API

  • External UI URL: Remote address for downloading Yacd or XD WebUI panel

  • Store Cache: Store the selected proxies in proxy-groups. By trning on this option, re-selecting the proxies in proxy-groups after restarting the core is not required

  • Store Fake-IP: Store the results of DNS queries of Fake-IP

  • TCP Fast Open: Corresponds to the tcp_fast_open segment in the core's configuration file, for mixed inbound

  • TCP Multi Path: Corresponds to the tcp_multi_path segment in the core's configuration file, for mixed inbound

  • UDP Fragment: Corresponds to the udp_fragment segment in the core's configuration file, for mixed inbound

  • Sniff: Corresponds to the sniff segment in the core's configuration file, for mixed and tun inbounds

  • Sniff Override Destination: Corresponds to the sniff_override_destination segment in the core's configuration file, for mixed and tun inbounds

TUN Settings (Not Required)

  • Stack: There are three stacks to select from, System, gVisor and Mixed. When Mixed is selected, the TCP outbound traffic uses the System stack, and the UDP outbound traffic uses the gVisor stack

  • Auto Route: Turning it on is recommended

  • Interface Name: Customizable or leave it blank

  • MTU: Corresponds to the mtu segment in the core's configuration file. The default value is 9000

  • Strict Route: Turn this on if the DNS settings are configured

  • Endpoint Independent NAT: Turning it on is recommended. If problems are encounted, turn it off

Proxy Groups Settings (Required):


Edit the corresponding proxy group to add the proxies from subscriptions to it


Add, edit, or delete proxy groups as needed

Route Rules Settings (Required)

This section mainly introduces the most commonly used route rules: CLASH-MODE, FALLBACK, PROTOCOL, INLINE, and (REMOTE-)RULE-SET

  • CLASH-MODE: GLOBAL and DIRECT, respectively corresponding to the GLOBAL and DIRECT modes

  • FALLBACK: Corresponds to in the core's configuration file. When an outbound connection does not match any rules, this route rule will be used

  • PROTOCOL: A configuration for dns-out is required. Otherwise, the DNS of sing-box will not work properly

  • INLINE: For multiple conditioned rules or logical rules, fill in the content in json format

  • (REMOTE-)RULE-SET: Corresponds to rule_set in the core's configuration file. It uses only required extracted segments of the geoip or geosite files. In theory, this is more efficient than using the complete geoip or geosite files

DNS Settings (Required)

  • Local DNS: For direct DNS query outbound connections. Usually configured as domestic DNS. Supports UDP53, QUIC, DoH, and DoT

  • Remote DNS: For proxied DNS query outbound connections. Usually configured as foreign DNS. Supports UDP53, QUIC, DoH, and DoT

  • Resolver DNS: When Local DNS is configured as DoH or DoT, this is used for the DNS hostname queries. If Local DNS is configured as an IP address, this option can be left blank. Only supports UDP53, or DoH and DoT that configured with an IP address as their hostname

  • Remote Resolver DNS: When Remote DNS is configured as DoH or DoT, this is used for the DNS hostname queries. If Remote DNS is configured as an IP address, this option can be left blank. Only supports UDP53, or DoH and DoT that configured with an IP address as their hostname

  • Fallback DNS: Corresponds to the DNS Rules settings. When an outbound DNS connection does not match any DNS Rules, this DNS server will be used

  • Strategy: The DNS inquiry strategy, Prefer IPv4, Prefer IPv6, IPv4 Only and IPv6 Only can be chosen

  • Fake-IP: The switch to turn Fake-IP on or off

  • Fake-IP Filter: The domains in this list do not use Fake-IP (requires the corresponding DNS rules to be configured)

DNS Rules Settings (Required)


Configuring the DNS Rules settings is as the same as configuring the Route Rules settings. Note that a DNS server has to be selected in the any outbound. If the aforementioned Fake-IP Filter is configured, the FAKE-IP rules must be added

Rulesets Settings

There are two types of rulesets: local and remote

Local Rulesets


There are several ways to configure local rulesets

Remote Rulesets

Usually, remote rulesets are configured in the Route Rules settings or DNS Rules settings and added by a URL


How to Fetch the Ruleset Files


  • For Windows users who are not in the Administrators group, it is recommended to turn on Run As Admin in the Settings - General page. Otherwise, TUN mode may not be able to start
  • If the national flags are added in the proxy tags (tag), please install the Twemoji.Mozilla plugin